Green Roofs

Using Green Roofs to Reduce Heat Islands

Green roofs have been proven to help reduce heat islands. We provide a brief overview of the role of green roofs in mitigating the heat island effect, including green roof types, other environmental and social benefits, and cost-benefit considerations. Green roof, or rooftop garden, is a vegetative layer grown on a rooftop. Green roofs provide shade, remove heat from the air, and reduce temperatures of the roof surface and surrounding air. Using green roofs in cities or other built environments with limited vegetation can moderate the heat island effect, particularly during the day.

Reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions: By lowering air-conditioning demand, green roofs can decrease the associated air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from conventional power sources. Vegetation can also remove pollutants and GHGs from the air through dry deposition and carbon sequestration and storage, respectively.
Improved human health and comfort: Green roofs, by reducing heat transfer through the building roof, can improve indoor comfort, and lower the incidence of heat stress associated with heat waves.
Improved quality of life: Green roofs provide aesthetic value and habitat for plant and animal species. They improve human interaction with nature by introducing green space into the built environment. Such connections to nature have been shown to benefit human physical and mental health and productivity, and reduce blood pressure and hospital stays.
Enhanced stormwater management and water quality: Green roofs can reduce and slow stormwater runoff in the urban environment, and also filter pollutants from rainfall. Green roofs can retain nearly all storm-related precipitation during the summer months, with lower retention during the winter months (< 20%). The actual stormwater management potential of green roofs is dependent on the season and rainfall patterns.


Please contact us with any questions or concerns
Address:176 Kanata Tondabayashi city, Osaka 584-0058 Japan
